• Fix issues with wdpa_fetch() and wdpa_read() on MacOS. Thanks to Jason Everett (@jaseeverett) for code contribution.
  • Update DESCRIPTION with prepr package information.
  • Update README with Chromium dependencies.
  • Update global example global processing script with increased precision.
  • Update vignette to be compatible with changes to GADM website.
  • Fix issue with tests leaving left-over junk in temporary directories.
  • Update wdpa_fetch() to use the chromote package to handle web scrapping (instead of the webdriver package).
  • Update wdpa_fetch() so that it can download country-level data in either shapefile or file geodatabase format (using the new datatype parameter). Since file geodatabase data appears to be more robust, wdpa_fetch() now defaults to downloading data in file geodatabase format.
  • Update wdpa_clean() to standardize column names so that cleaning either shapefile or file geodatabase data results in the same output.
  • Update wdpa_clean() so that it removes leading/trailing white space characters from the "MANG_PLAN" field.
  • Fix bug in wdpa_read() that causes output objects to contain no columns.
  • Update README and vignette to be compatible with updates to ggmap package.
  • Remove withr package from DESCRIPTION because it is not used.
  • Update tests to accommodate corrupted data from Protected Planet.
  • CRAN release.
  • Rejected CRAN submission.
  • Fix issue with st_erase_overlaps() not correctly removing overlaps when a protected area are completely contained within another (#73).
  • Fix aliasing for package manual entry (#71).
  • CRAN release.
  • Fix compatibility issues with Protected Planet (#69).
  • Update wdpa_clean() to be more robust (#68).
  • Remove sp package as dependency.
  • CRAN release.
  • Update citation format.
  • Fix broken URL in vignette.
  • Fix badges in README.
  • Update citation information with journal article.
  • Fix tests when PhantomJS not installed.
  • Fix broken URL in vignette.
  • Improve error message for wdpa_fetch() when PhantomJS is not installed (#63).
  • Add URLs to README for citations (#58).
  • Update wdpa_fetch() documentation to provide information on out of date warnings (#59).
  • Update wdpa_fetch() warnings to be more descriptive and use the cli package for consistent alert messages.
  • Update paper for JOSS submission (#53, #54, #62).
  • Update vignette with new section on local scale analyses (#53).
  • Update wdpa_fetch() function to use the webdriver package for obtaining data (replacing Rselenium package as a dependency) (#63).
  • Update st_repair_geometry() to be more robust.
  • Fix failing tests for st_repair_geometry() function.
  • Update documentation for wdpa_clean() function.
  • Fix broken URL in vignette.
  • CRAN release.
  • Reduce test timings.
  • Fix compatibility with GEOS (version 3.11.0) (#50, #51).
  • Fix broken URLs in documentation.
  • Fix typos in documentation, add JOSS paper, and add contributing guide.
  • Reduce false-negative rate when checking for available internet connection (#10).
  • Select a random port for the web driver (#41).
  • Make web driver clean up more robust (#41).
  • CRAN release.
  • Update read_sf_n to import data faster.
  • Remove withr package from DESCRIPTION because it is not used.
  • Update wdpa_clean to format the PA_DEF column to indicate if each area is a protected area (per IUCN and CBD protected area definitions) or an other effective area-based conservation measure (OECM).
  • Update documentation to make it clear that data obtained from Protected Planet include both the World Database on Protected Areas (WDPA) and the World Database on Other Effective Area-Based Conservation Measures (WDOECM).
  • Update citation information to follow recommended citations for the World Database on Protected Areas (WDPA) and the World Database on Other Effective Area-Based Conservation Measures (WDOECM).
  • Update URLs to pass CRAN checks.
  • Update wdpa_fetch with new check_version argument to specify if the version of cached data should be checked against the latest version available online.
  • Update wdpa_clean to not throw an unnecessary and confusing warning message when attempting to clean data that do not contain any valid polygon geometries.
  • Fix bug in wdpa_read to ensure that all data from global database. This is a bug previously meant that protected areas denoted with polygon geometry data were not imported. It is strongly recommended that users double check processed versions of the global database to verify correctness.
  • Add example script for downloading and cleaning data (see inst/scripts/global-example-script.R)
  • New st_repair_geometry function to repair geometry using a combination of sf::st_make_valid and prepr::st_prepair. This function is now used by the wdpa_clean function to augment data cleaning procedures.
  • Update wdpa_url and wdpa_fetch to have a page_wait parameter to specify the wait time for loading web pages when finding the download URLs for datasets (#39).
  • Add dplyr package to Suggests because it is used in an example.
  • Update wdpa_clean to provide better information when cleaning data.
  • Update documentation to provide guidelines for processing global dataset.
  • New wdpa_dissolve function to dissolve geometries together (#22).
  • Fix tests that fail package checks given only strict dependencies.
  • Update citation information in README and vignette.
  • CRAN release.
  • Remove LazyData from DESCRIPTION since it is not used.
  • Remove tools R package from DESCRIPTION since it is not used.
  • Update wdpa_fetch function to conform with CRAN policies. Specifically, data are now always saved in a temporary directory by default.
  • Update code in README for downloading developmental version from GitHub.
  • Update internal functions to be more compatible with recent version of the sf R package.
  • Update wdpa_url function to be compatible with changes on https://www.protectedplanet.net/en.
  • Update wdpa_read function to be compatible with new global dataset format.
  • Update st_erase_overlaps function to be more resilient against topology errors (#33).
  • Fix URLs for CRAN.
  • Increase test coverage.
  • Update wdpa_clean function with new retain_status parameter to specify which protected areas should be retained during the cleaning process (#33). Defaults to a character vector containing "Designated", "Inscribed", "Established" to indicate that protected areas with these status (i.e. per "STATUS" column) are retained. Thus the default behavior from previous versions remains unchanged.
  • Update wdpa_clean with new exclude_unesco parameter to specify if UNESCO Biosphere Reserves should be included (#33). Defaults to TRUE such that default behavior remains unchanged from previous versions.
  • CRAN release.
  • Update wdpa_read function to be compatible with changes to global dataset (#31).
  • Update wdpa_fetch function to be compatible with changes to Protected Planet website for downloading global dataset.
  • CRAN release.
  • Update package to be compatible with new file name conventions on Protected Planet website.
  • Fix bug with downloading global dataset.
  • CRAN release.
  • Add example for multiple countries to wdpa_clean documentation (#28).
  • Add information on port error to wdpa_clean documentation (#29).
  • Update package to work with new version of Protected Planet website (#30).
  • New wdpa_latest_version function for determining the latest version of the dataset.
  • CRAN release.
  • Fix “Non-file package-anchored link(s) in documentation object” warnings in R-devel checks.
  • Update wdpa_read so that it is compatible with the new data format provided by https://www.protectedplanet.net/en.
  • Update examples for st_erase_overlaps so that overlapping geometries are clearly shown.
  • Update examples to run with CRAN checks (i.e. --run-donttest).
  • Update st_erase_overlaps so that it is more robust to geometry issues.
  • CRAN release.
  • Fix compatibility issues with new lwgeom package version 0.2-3 (#24).
  • Increase lwgeom and sf package version requirements.
  • The wdpa_clean function now returns an empty result (i.e. sf object with zero rows) for countries that do not have any protected areas represented by spatially valid non-empty geometries (e.g. Somalia in February 2020, #19).
  • Increase default precision in wdpa_clean function.
  • Make the wdpa_clean function more robust to typology issues (#20).
  • Remove unnecessary internet connection check from wdpa_clean (#21).
  • CRAN release.
  • Update wdpa_clean so that it works with a single protected area.
  • Tweak progress bar in st_erase_overlaps.
  • Update wdpa_clean so that it works with shapefiles that do not have geometry stored in the geometry column (e.g. global data).
  • Update st_erase_overlaps so that it has a higher success rate for really invalid geometries (e.g. protected areas for Gabon).
  • Add extra data cleaning step to vignette so that the tutorial has a better chance at working when adapted to other countries.
  • CRAN release.
  • Fix links in CITATION, README, and vignette.
  • Fix false reports of lack of Internet connectivity (#10).
  • CRAN release.
  • Fix compatibility issue changes to Protected Planet website (#11).
  • CRAN release.
  • Fix bug where parts of MULTIPOLYGON protected areas would be incorrectly erased during data cleaning (#9).
  • Fix bug where protected areas represented as POINT and MULTIPOINT geometries were incorrectly omitted (#9).
  • Address CRAN check NOTES by removing unused Imports, or manually calling one of their functions.
  • Fix Summary: ElementNotVisible bug (#8).
  • Citation automatically reports the correct URL (i.e. CRAN or GitHub) based on package version number.
  • CRAN release.
  • Fix broken link in README, add package website to DESCRIPTION.
  • Update lifecycle badge to stable.
  • Fix bug that threw a bogus error message in wdpa_fetch when force = TRUE.
  • Update overview in README and vignette (#3; @rungec).
  • Add list with other datasets to vignette (#4; @rungec).
  • Add information about coastlines and EEZs to the README, vignette, and wdpa_clean documentation (#5; @rungec).
  • Add Visconti et al. 2013 citation to wdpa_clean help page, regarding the buffering of point localities.
  • Initial “everything works” version.
  • Initial package version.