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Create data to collate all the information needed to generate Area of Habitat data (Brooks et al. 2019). Briefly, this function cleans and collates data describing species' geographic ranges, habitat preferences, and elevational limits. Please note that these procedures are designed for terrestrial species, and will not apply to marine or freshwater species.


  spp_summary_data = NULL,
  spp_habitat_data = NULL,
  cache_dir = tempdir(),
  iucn_version = "latest",
  key = NULL,
  force = FALSE,
  keep_iucn_rl_presence = c(1, 2),
  keep_iucn_rl_origin = c(1, 2, 6),
  keep_iucn_rl_seasonal = c(1, 2, 3, 4),
  omit_habitat_codes = iucn_habitat_codes_marine(),
  adjust_elevational_limits = TRUE,
  adjust_habitat_codes = TRUE,
  crs = sf::st_crs("ESRI:54017"),
  geometry_precision = 1e+05,
  verbose = TRUE



sf::sf() Spatial data delineating species geographic ranges obtained from the IUCN Red List. See below for details.


tibble::tibble() Table containing summary information for each species (in the argument to x). Specifically, the argument should contain the following columns: "id_no", "elevation_lower", and "elevation_upper" columns. Here, "id_no" corresponds to the species' taxon identifier (also present in x), and the "elevation_lower" and "elevation_upper" columns indicate the lowest and highest elevations that contain habitat for the species. Defaults to NULL such that data are automatically obtained from the latest version of the IUCN Red List.


tibble::tibble() Table containing habitat preference information for each species (in the argument to x). Specifically, the argument should contain the following columns: "id_no", "code", "suitability", "season" columns. Here, "id_no" corresponds to the species' taxon identifier (also present in x), "code" indicates a habitat classification code that is suitable for the species (i.e., based on layer names in the argument to habitat_data), "suitability" indicates the level suitability of the habitat class for a given species (e.g., using values such as "Suitable" or "Marginal"), and "season" indicates if the habitat class is only suitable for a particular seasonal distribution (e.g., "Breeding"). Defaults to NULL such that data are automatically obtained from the latest version of the IUCN Red List.


character Folder path for downloading and caching data. By default, a temporary directory is used (i.e., tempdir()). To avoid downloading the same data multiple times, it is strongly recommended to specify a persistent storage location (see Examples below).


character Version of the IUCN Red List dataset that should be used. See documentation for the the version parameter in the get_spp_summary_data() function for further details. Defaults to "latest" such that the most recent version of the dataset is used.


character Token for querying the IUCN Red List API. Defaults to NULL such that the token accessed from the "IUCN_REDLIST_KEY" environmental variable (which can be specified in the .Renviron file).


logical Should the data be downloaded even if the the data are already available? Defaults to FALSE.


integer IUCN Red List presence codes to retain (see IUCN SSC Red List Technical Working Group 2021 for details). Species' ranges that are not associated with these codes are excluded during data cleaning procedures. Defaults to a numeric vector containing 1 and 2 (corresponding to extant and probably extant).


integer IUCN Red List origin codes to retain (see IUCN SSC Red List Technical Working Group 2021 for details). Species' ranges that are not associated with these codes are excluded during data cleaning procedures. Defaults to a numeric vector containing 1, 2, and 6. (corresponding to native, reintroduced, and assisted colonization).


integer IUCN Red List seasonal codes to retain (see IUCN SSC Red List Technical Working Group 2021 for details). Species' ranges that are not associated with these codes are excluded during data cleaning procedures. Defaults to a numeric vector containing 1, 2, 3, and 4. (corresponding to resident, breeding season, non-breeding season, and passage distributions).


character Habitat classification codes to omit from resulting Area of Habitat data. Please see the IUCN Red List Habitat Classification Scheme for the full range of habitat classification codes. For example, if the aim is to identify natural places that contain suitable conditions, then areas classified as anthropogenically modified (iucn_habitat_codes_artificial()), introduced vegetation (iucn_habitat_codes_introduced(), or unknown habitat (iucn_habitat_codes_misc()) should be excluded. Defaults to iucn_habitat_codes_marine(), such that marine habitats are excluded.


logical Should elevation limits be adjusted to correct for errors? Defaults to TRUE to automatically fix errors (see Data processing section below for details).


logical Should habitat codes be adjusted so they are assigned to species' distributions following guidelines for Key Biodiversity areas? Defaults to TRUE (see Data processing section below for details). Otherwise, if FALSE, habitat codes are assigned to species' distributions following exact matches (e.g., only codes described for a resident distribution are assigned to the resident distribution).


A st_crs() object containing the coordinate reference system for reprojecting the species' range data. This coordinate reference system should be the same as the elevation and habitat classification data that will subsequently be used to generate Area of Habitat data (using the create_spp_aoh_data() or create_spp_frc_data() functions). Defaults to the World Behrmann coordinate reference system (ESRI:54017), which is appropriate for the elevation and habitat datasets available through the package (e.g., using the get_global_elevation_data() and get_lumb_cgls_habitat_data() functions).


numeric level of precision for processing the spatial data (used with sf::st_set_precision()). The default is 100000 (higher values indicate higher precision). Although this level of precision is generally suitable for fine-scale analyses, it might result in unnecessarily long computation times (e.g., 1500 is suitable for national-scale analyses). If you encounter geometry errors, increasing the argument to the parameter can sometimes resolve these issues.


logical Should progress be displayed while processing data? Defaults to TRUE.


A sf::st_sf() object containing all the information needed to create Area of Habitat data. It contains cleaned versions of the species' range maps and columns containing the species' elevational limits and habitat preferences. Specifically, the object contains the following columns:


numeric species' taxon identifier on the IUCN Red List.


character species name.


character IUCN Red List threat category.


logical indicating if the species was processed as a migratory species (i.e., it had a breeding, non-breeding, or passage seasonal distribution).


numeric seasonal distribution code.


character all habitat classification codes that contain suitable habitat for the species. If a given species has multiple suitable habitat classes, then these are denoted using a pipe-delimited format. For example, if the habitat classes denoted with the codes "1.5" and "1.9" were considered suitable for a given species, then these codes would be indicated as "1.5|1.9".


numeric lower elevation threshold used to create the species' Area of Habitat data.


numeric upper elevation threshold used to create the species' Area of Habitat data.


sf::st_sfc() geometries for species' distributions.

Species range data format

Species range data are expected to follow the data format conventions for the IUCN Red List (see IUCN Red List documentation for details). Specifically, the argument to x should be an sf::st_sf() object with the following columns: id_no, presence, origin, and seasonal. It can also contain the following optional columns: terrestrial (or terrestial), freshwater, and marine. Below we provide a brief description of each column:


numeric taxon identifier on the IUCN Red List.


numeric identifier describing information about the presence of the taxon in the range data.


numeric identifier describing if the species is native to the location(s) described by the range data.


numeric identifier describing if the species is occupied by the location(s) describe by the range data throughout the whole year, of if only during certain seasons.


character value indicating if the range data pertain to terrestrial environments (with "true" or "false" values.)


character value indicating if the range data pertain to freshwater environments (with "true" or "false" values.)


character value indicating if the range data pertain to marine environments (with "true" or "false" values.)

Data processing

The species' information data are produced using the following procedures.

  1. Species range data cleaned. By default, the range data are cleaned following guidelines for the identification of Key Biodiversity Areas (KBA Standards and Appeals Committee of IUCN SSC/WCPA 2022). Specifically, the default cleaning procedures involves excluding places where the (i) species' presence is not extant or probably extant (i.e. filtering based on presence == 1 or presence == 2); (ii) species' origin is not native, reintroduced, or the result of assisted colonization (i.e. filtering based on origin == 1, origin == 2, or origin == 6); (iii) available information on which species' seasonal distribution is uncertain (i.e. filtering based on seasonal != 5); and (iv) species' distribution is not terrestrial (i.e. filtering based on where terrestrial == "true"). Additionally, the species' range data are spatially dissolved so that each seasonal distribution for each taxon is represented by a separate geometry. Finally, geoprocessing routines are used to detect and repair any invalid geometries.

  2. Species summary and habitat preferences data are imported (if needed, see get_spp_summary_data() and get_spp_habitat_data() for details). If these data are not available in the cache directory (i.e. argument to cache_dir), then they are automatically downloaded to the cache directory.

  3. If specified (per adjust_elevational_limits = TRUE), then the elevational limit values in the species summary data are adjusted to correct for errors. These adjustments applied based on the following procedures: (i) if a species lacks lower or upper elevational limits, then limits of -500 m and 9,000 m are assumed (respectively); (ii) since the IUCN Red List assigns lower limit values of 0 m for many species that have parts of their distribution in areas below sea level, lower elevational limit values equal to 0 m are replaced with -500 m; (iii) lower elevational limit values below -500 m are replaced with -500 m; (iv) upper elevational limit values above 9000 are is replaced with 9000 m; (v) if a lower elevational limit is greater than an upper elevational limit, then limits of -500 m and 9000 m are assumed (respectively); (vi) if a lower elevational limit is within 50 m of an upper elevational limit, then limits are adjusted such that there is a 50 m difference between them. Otherwise, if FALSE, then elevation limit values are not altered.

  4. Each is species is classified as either migratory or non-migratory, based on the presence of breeding, non-breeding, or passage distributions in the species range data (i.e., x`). For example, if a species only has a resident distribution in the species range data, then it is classified as a non-migratory species. If a species has a resident and a breeding distribution in the species range data, then it is classified as a migratory species.

  5. If specified (per adjust_habitat_codes = TRUE), then the habitat codes in the species habitat preferences data are adjusted based on guidelines for the identification of Key Biodiversity Areas (KBA Standards and Appeals Committee of IUCN SSC/WCPA 2022). These adjustments are based on the following procedures: (i) resident distributions for non-migratory species are assigned habitat codes described in the species habitat preference data for the species' resident, breeding, non-breeding, passage, seasonal occurrence uncertain, and missing (NA) seasonal distributions; (ii) resident distributions for migratory species are assigned habitat codes described in the species habitat preference data for the species' resident, breeding, non-breeding, seasonal occurrence uncertain, and missing (NA) seasonal distributions; (ii) breeding distributions are assigned habitat codes described for the species' resident, breeding, seasonal occurrence uncertain and missing (NA) seasonal distributions; (iii) non-breeding distributions are assigned habitat codes described for the species' resident, non-breeding, seasonal occurrence uncertain, and missing (NA) seasonal distributions; and (iv) passage distributions are assigned habitat codes described for the species' resident, passage, seasonal occurrence uncertain, and missing (NA) seasonal distributions. If the adjustments are not applied (per adjust_habitat_codes = FALSE), then the habitat codes are assigned to species' distributions based on exact matches (e.g., only codes described for a resident distribution are assigned to the resident distribution).

  6. Species information are collated into a single dataset containing their geographic ranges, migratory status, habitat preferences, and elevational limits. Specifically, taxon identifiers (per the id_no/SISID columns) are used merge the datasets together.

  7. Post-processing routines are used to prepare the output data.


Brooks TM, Pimm SL, Akçakaya HR, Buchanan GM, Butchart SHM, Foden W, Hilton-Taylor C, Hoffmann M, Jenkins CN, Joppa L, Li BV, Menon V, Ocampo-Peñuela N, Rondinini C (2019) Measuring terrestrial Area of Habitat (AOH) and its utility for the IUCN Red List. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 34, 977--986. doi:10.1016/j.tree.2019.06.009

KBA Standards and Appeals Committee of IUCN SSC/WCPA (2022). Guidelines for using A Global Standard for the Identification of Key Biodiversity Areas. Version 1.2. Gland, Switzerland: IUCN.


# \dontrun{
# find file path for example range data following IUCN Red List data format
## N.B., the range data were not obtained from the IUCN Red List,
## and were instead based on data from GBIF (
path <- system.file("extdata", "", package = "aoh")

# import data
spp_range_data <- read_spp_range_data(path)

# specify persistent storage location for data processing
cache_dir <- rappdirs::user_data_dir("aoh")

# create cache directory if needed
if (!file.exists(cache_dir)) {
  dir.create(cache_dir, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)

# create species information data
spp_info_data <- create_spp_info_data(
  x = spp_range_data,
  cache_dir = cache_dir
#>  initializing
#>  initializing [346ms]
#>  cleaning species range data
#>  cleaning species range data [3.3s]
#>  importing species summary data
#>  importing species summary data [406ms]
#>  importing species habitat data
#>  importing species habitat data [408ms]
#>  collating species data
#>  collating species data [236ms]
#>  post-processing results
#>  post-processing results [11ms]
#>  finished
# }

if (FALSE) { # interactive()
# \dontrun{
# preview data
# }