Specify that the lp_solve software should be used to solve a project prioritization problem() using the lpSolveAPI package. This function can also be used to customize the behavior of the solver. It requires the lpSolveAPI package.

add_lpsolveapi_solver(x, gap = 0, presolve = FALSE, verbose = TRUE)



ProjectProblem object.


numeric gap to optimality. This gap is relative and expresses the acceptable deviance from the optimal objective. For example, a value of 0.01 will result in the solver stopping when it has found a solution within 1% of optimality. Additionally, a value of 0 will result in the solver stopping when it has found an optimal solution. The default value is 0.1 (i.e. 10% from optimality).


logical indicating if attempts to should be made to simplify the optimization problem (TRUE) or not (FALSE). Defaults to TRUE.


logical should information be printed while solving optimization problems?


ProjectProblem object with the solver added to it.


lp_solve is an open-source integer programming solver. Although this solver is the slowest currently supported solver, it is also the only exact algorithm solver that can be installed on all operating systems without any manual installation steps. This solver is provided so that users can try solving small project prioritization problems, without needing to install additional software. When solve moderate or large project prioritization problems, consider using add_gurobi_solver().

See also


# load data
data(sim_projects, sim_features, sim_actions)

# build problem with lpSolveAPI solver
p <- problem(sim_projects, sim_actions, sim_features,
             "name", "success", "name", "cost", "name") %>%
     add_max_richness_objective(budget = 200) %>%
     add_binary_decisions() %>%

# print problem
#> Project Prioritization Problem
#>   actions          F1_action, F2_action, F3_action, ... (6 actions)
#>   projects         F1_project, F2_project, F3_project, ... (6 projects)
#>   features         F1, F2, F3, ... (5 features)
#>   action costs:    min: 0, max: 103.22583
#>   project success: min: 0.81379, max: 1
#>   objective:       Maximum richness objective [budget (200)]
#>   targets:         none
#>   weights:         default
#>   decisions        Binary decision 
#>   constraints:     <none>
#>   solver:          lpSolveAPI [gap (0), presolve (0), verbose (1)]

# solve problem
s <- solve(p)
#> Model name:  'project prioritization problem' - run #1    
#> Objective:   Maximize(R0)
#> Model size:       47 constraints,      47 variables,          102 non-zeros.
#> Sets:                                   0 GUB,                  0 SOS.
#> Using DUAL simplex for phase 1 and PRIMAL simplex for phase 2.
#> The primal and dual simplex pricing strategy set to 'Devex'.
#> Relaxed solution       2.21077983146 after         34 iter is B&B base.
#> Feasible solution      1.91490153549 after         43 iter,         8 nodes (gap 9.2%)
#> Improved solution       2.0146497578 after         47 iter,        11 nodes (gap 6.1%)
#> Improved solution      2.19038073724 after         59 iter,        20 nodes (gap 0.6%)
#> Optimal solution       2.19038073724 after         59 iter,        20 nodes (gap 0.6%).
#> Excellent numeric accuracy ||*|| = 1.11022e-16
#>  MEMO: lp_solve version for 64 bit OS, with 64 bit LPSREAL variables.
#>       In the total iteration count 59, 16 (27.1%) were bound flips.
#>       There were 11 refactorizations, 0 triggered by time and 1 by density.
#>        ... on average 3.9 major pivots per refactorization.
#>       The largest [LUSOL v2.2.1.0] fact(B) had 104 NZ entries, 1.0x largest basis.
#>       The maximum B&B level was 6, 0.1x MIP order, 4 at the optimal solution.
#>       The constraint matrix inf-norm is 103.226, with a dynamic range of 1193.9.
#>       Time to load data was 0.000 seconds, presolve used 0.000 seconds,
#>        ... 0.000 seconds in simplex solver, in total 0.000 seconds.

# print solution
#> # A tibble: 1 × 21
#>   solution status    obj  cost F1_action F2_action F3_action F4_action F5_action
#>      <int> <chr>   <dbl> <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>
#> 1        1 optima…  2.19  195.         1         1         0         0         0
#> # ℹ 12 more variables: baseline_action <dbl>, F1_project <dbl>,
#> #   F2_project <dbl>, F3_project <dbl>, F4_project <dbl>, F5_project <dbl>,
#> #   baseline_project <dbl>, F1 <dbl>, F2 <dbl>, F3 <dbl>, F4 <dbl>, F5 <dbl>

# plot solution
plot(p, s)