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The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List of Threatened Species provides a habitat classification scheme for different habitat types worldwide. This dataset provides details on the different IUCN habitat classes.




A data frame with 126 rows and 2 columns. Each row corresponds to a different habitat class, and each column contains information about a given habitat class. It contains columns with the following values for each habitat class.


A character value indicating the code of a class.


A character value indicating the name of a class.


A logical value indicating if the class occurs within the terrestrial environmental.


A logical value indicating if the class occurs within the marine environmental.


A logical value indicating if the class is artificial (e.g., anthropogenically human modified).


A logical value indicating if the class does not correspond to a specific land cover.


A logical value indicating if the class corresponds to introduced vegetation.


# load data

# print data
#> # A tibble: 126 × 7
#>    code  name       is_terrestrial is_marine is_artificial is_misc is_introduced
#>    <chr> <chr>      <lgl>          <lgl>     <lgl>         <lgl>   <lgl>        
#>  1 1     Forest     TRUE           FALSE     FALSE         FALSE   FALSE        
#>  2 1.1   Forest - … TRUE           FALSE     FALSE         FALSE   FALSE        
#>  3 1.2   Forest - … TRUE           FALSE     FALSE         FALSE   FALSE        
#>  4 1.3   Forest - … TRUE           FALSE     FALSE         FALSE   FALSE        
#>  5 1.4   Forest - … TRUE           FALSE     FALSE         FALSE   FALSE        
#>  6 1.5   Forest - … TRUE           FALSE     FALSE         FALSE   FALSE        
#>  7 1.6   Forest - … TRUE           FALSE     FALSE         FALSE   FALSE        
#>  8 1.7   Forest - … TRUE           FALSE     FALSE         FALSE   FALSE        
#>  9 1.8   Forest - … TRUE           FALSE     FALSE         FALSE   FALSE        
#> 10 1.9   Forest - … TRUE           FALSE     FALSE         FALSE   FALSE        
#> # ℹ 116 more rows